Author - Editor - Translator
of Latin Texts
Publishing house |
publisher LEO LATINUS is editing Latin literature of all epochs,
dictionaries and secondary literature concerning Latin studies.
Latin is not a dead language:
Since the decline of the Roman empire there was never a time, in which
was not thought, written and spoken.
By the experience of
Latin as
a spoken language the learning motivation of students is heightened,
learning of vocabulary and grammar is lightened, poetical and
structure of classical texts can be better understood.
In the last decades there
been written a plenty of learned studies about the reconstruction of
Latin. But until now, there is still a great lack of Latin audiobooks,
in which
the scientific reconstruction of classical pronunciation is applied
LEO LATINUS has made his
to make available ancient, medieval and neoteric works of Latin
literature as audiobooks (CDs). LEO LATINUS is publishing audiobooks
and CD-ROMs.
Only per exception we send you bound or printed texts.
2.1 Editions of Latin texts
of all epochs
LEO LATINUS offers you Latin
texts of all kinds which are not available on the book market. These
critical editions and commentaries of ancient, medieval and neo-Latin
which in no recent edition are available. These
text editions are often equipped with a German or an other translation
into a modern language. To the neolatin publications belong also texts
written by LEO LATINUS himself, which concern especially subjects
of philology, cultural history and natural sciences.
Latin translations of modern literature
An important field of LEO
LATINUS’ publishing activity are Latin translations of modern
They are manifold and
pleasant reading materials for lovers of Latin language (there are
translations of narrative works, like fairy tales, novellas and novels).
By them the learner of
becomes conscious of the grammatical and stylistic peculiarities of
Latin in
opposition of the original language.
them, too, are shown the
extraordinary flexibility and versatility of the Latin language,
especially its
appropriateness for the rendering of modern thoughts.
Dear reader,
you a lot for your interest in my Latin Internet service. Maybe you
wonder how I got the rather unusual idea to offer an interpretation
service for an ancient language, which is, quite erroneously, believed
to be dead. Therefore allow me, please, to give a brief account of my
studies and instructional works in the field of Latin language and
I studied Latin philology, biology, phonetics and Indo-European
linguistics at the University of Saarland in Germany; in 1987, I
received my doctoral degree in Latin philology.
From 1981-89, at the Institute of Neolatin language and literature
(University of Saarland, Prof. Dr. Christian Helfer, Father Dr.
Caelestis Eichenseer) I was the moderator of the "Colloquium Latinum",
a seminar, in which we discussed in Latin, authors of the humanistic
and post humanistic age, e.g. Petrarca, Erasmus, Morus, Copernicus,
Bacon, Campanella, Cardano, Hobbes. Besides, I collaborated with Prof.
Helfer who published three editions of the "Lexicon Auxiliare", a
German-Latin dictionary.
From 1994-2002, in the "Seminarium phlilologiae Latinae" of Seoul
National University (South Korea) I taught students in the methods of
classical philology; we read e.g. Cicero, Plautus, Terence, Lucretius,
Virgil, Manilius, Tacitus, Augustinus, Abelard, Petrarca and Erasmus.
The language spoken in this seminar was latin.
During the last 25
years I have published numerous Latin articles in
various Latin reviews (Ephemeris,
Latinitas, Lupa, M.A.S., Melissa,
Retiarius Rumor Varius, Vox Latina). My special fields are
textual criticism, lexicography, terminology and literature of natural
sciences, as well as Latin translations of modern tales and novels.
Four Latin works of mine have been edited
by the foundation "Melissa"
(Brussels): three works translated from German into Latin ("The black
spider", a novella by Jeremias Gotthelf, "The Baron Münchhausen",
a children book by Erich Kästner, "The perfume" , a novel
by Patrick Süskind), as well as the "Glossary of the Perfume",
originally written by me in Latin.
In the following pages I will inform you about the translations and
editions I offer. I am grateful for all further suggestions and
recommendations, and I wish you much pleasure with the Latin language
and literature.
Yours sincerely
Dr. Nikolaus Gross