texts of the audiobooks of LEO LATINUS are not read with a traditional
national school-pronunciation, but with the Latin pronunciation
of the classical age (1.c. B.C.), as far as it has been reconstructed
by modern philologists an phoneticians ("pronuntia restituta").
The fact that traditional pronunciation in various nations and
regions is very different can cause considerable problems in
international Latin conversation. To the contrary the classical
pronunciation is uniform and understandable for Latinists of
all nations. The most important peculiarities of classical pronunciation
in opposition to the traditional German school pronunciation
are the following:
- long and
short vowels are distinguished
- long and short consonants are distinguished
- paenultima-rule is observed
- aspirated and unaspirated consonants are distinguished
- the letter "c" is pronounced as [k]
- the letters "ae" and "oe" are pronounced as diphthongs, not
- the letter "r" is pronounced as apical [r], not as uvular [R]